Monday, October 29, 2012
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure affects about 1 in 3 adults in the United States. It is sometimes called a silent killer because it may have no outward symptoms for years. In most cases, the underlying cause of hypertension is unknown. Internally, it can quietly damage the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain, and kidneys.
Did you know A Chicago-area study of 50 individuals with a misaligned Atlas vertebra (located high in the neck) and high blood pressure showed that after a one-time specialized chiropractic adjustment, blood pressure decreased significantly? The decrease was equal to taking two blood-pressure drugs at once.
Who do you know that could benefit from this information? Please share this with someone you know and care about and help them Live Better...Live Longer!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Does Your Child Have Pre-symptomatic Subluxations?
I recently found this on the website of a colleague and thought I would share this with you on why we check children. Please share this information with someone you care about and help change a life.
Does Your Child Have Pre-symptomatic Subluxations?
Does Your Child Have Pre-symptomatic Subluxations?
Why check children?
Nervous system
disturbances can lead to all sorts of health problems. Since we would rather
catch problems before obvious symptoms appear, we encourage parents to have their child screened for subluxations. Our screening process is
gentle noninvasive
and takes just minutes.
Should we
find any problems we'll make recommendations
for care.
If not,
we'll tell you that too. Either way, you'll have peace of mind knowing your child is
healthy. Detecting
pre-symptomatic health problems makes sense. It gives your child the best chance to grow up healthy and strong, free from
vertebral subluxations.
What do you do to check my child?
The most important information obtained during
the screening is the health
history of the child. We even have special health exam forms for children. Most of the time,
the parents
will tell us what we need to
know about their child's health and
behavior. Then we do a postural assessment and some range of movement tests.
What are some signs my child
has subluxations?
• Difficult
It all starts at child birth. If you had a natural child birth
there can
be anywhere from 40 to 90 pounds of pressure on your child's head as he/she comes out of the birth canal. The
next thing that happens is the doctor grabs the head, turns it and pulls on the
child's head to get him/her out. This part alone can cause a subluxations and
lead to future problems. Forceps, vacuum extraction and C-section are even more traumatic.
• Colic
If your child has colic or is very
fussy, he/she may have subluxations.
• Breastfeeding
Your baby may show difficulty in breastfeeding or favoring
one side which may indicate the presence of subluxations.
• Unexplained
Your baby can't tell you what's wrong and that can be frustrating for parents. Sometimes they are hungry, sometimes
they need
to be changed, and sometimes they
just want to be held. But other times they
may have a headache or stomach ache. They may be uncomfortable and the only way
to tell you is to cry.
• Ear
This is
a common problem that can be resolved quite effectively through chiropractic. Why put your child on antibiotics when it has
been shown to be ineffective in treating
ear infections.
• Growing
As your child grows he/she may experience what
some people call growing pains. No firm evidence shows that the growth of bones causes pain. The most likely causes
are the aches and discomforts resulting from the jumping, climbing, and running
that active children do during the day. The pains can occur after a child has had a particularly
athletic day.
• Unusual
shoe wear
This can suggest there is an imbalance in your child's spine and
• Poor
Lack of focus at home or in school can be the
result of nerve interference.
• Postural
If you notice your child walking different
or has poor posture he/she may have spinal misalignments. Scoliosis is another possibility
for postural distortions and a condition that can be cared for by chiropractors.
• Allergic
Nerve interference can lead to reactions within
our digestive system causing reactions by the body.
• Contact
sports and activities
Children lead an active lifestyle which is good for their health. But it can also lead to
aches and pains which left uncorrected can lead to problems down the road.
Can you help
my child?
We would love the chance to help your child
grow and develop into a strong and healthy adult.
At Blumsack
Family Chiropractic we take pride in helping all types of patients; young and old, men and
women, sick and healthy. We view health not as a one-time fix but as a lifelong
We also
understand that a properly functioning nervous system free from subluxations
allows for each person to live their life to its fullest potential.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Why we check children at birth. (Graphic)
I get asked often why would a chiropractor check a newborn baby at birth and I usually try to explain in detail on why. I decided that a picture is worth a thousand words so here is why:
Need I say more!
Find out why chiropractic adds years to life and life to years.
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul
Find out why chiropractic adds years to life and life to years.
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul
Friday, August 3, 2012
Breastfeeding, convenience, the developmental process and Chiropractic
Paula and I had the pleasure of meeting with Meghan Garcia-Salas of Village Lactation Services yesterday to to learn more about how she helps her clients. She started a support group called Bosom Babies to help mothers learn about and promote the benefits of breastfeeding.
What was interesting about our conversation is that many mothers are going back to the natural way of feeding a baby with breast milk but are using a bottle instead of the mother to baby bond. I applaud mothers for going natural versus giving their baby formula but they are missing some of the major benefits of this natural bonding process when they put breast milk in a bottle.
The breastfeeding process helps both mother and child develop. When a child initially latches on to the mother the bonding process begins but so does the natural transmission of moms immunity to the baby. There is also an emotional connection that is established. As the baby continues to latch on there is an internal pressure created that helps bring the natural skull bones back into proper position. The supporting structures of the head and neck are strengthened. The jaw muscles are developed and the list goes on....
For the mother who is breastfeeding this process helps restore the natural hormonal balance and brings mom physically and emotionally back to a pre pregnancy state.
The mother-baby bonding is so important and can't be replaced by the convenience of bottle feeding. Many moms dont realize that when they stock up on breast milk they are not taking into consideration several important factors. One important factor is that by reducing the frequency of feeding times you reduce the demand put on the body to produce more breast milk. Less demand equals less supply.
The other important factor is that mom is feeding the baby from one moment in time of her life versus various times in her life. Throughout the day a mother has daily changes in her environmental exposure and nutritional intake. One moment she is inside the next she is outside. If mom is not hungry and chooses not to eat the baby will want to feed more often for shorter periods of time and will be fussy. What mom eats for breakfast will be transferred to the breast milk after the breakfast has been digested. So if she always stocks up in the morning she will only be feeding the baby what she had for dinner the night before. Variety is the spice of life and also pertains to the babies development.
The last thing we talked about was that there are many mothers who have difficulty in breastfeeding their baby and they don't know why. Sometimes the baby favors a certain side and will not want to stay latched on for long, they may have also have digestion issues. For the breastfeeding mom it may be that they can't find a comfortable position to sit or lay in.
In the majority of cases these problems were created at the birth process. Whether the baby was delivered naturally or with the use forceps, vacuum extraction, cesarean or breech delivery tiny spinal misalignment's occur in the babies spine that create structural and functional problems. For the mothers the same problems could have occurred throughout there life and then show up when they attempt to breastfeed the baby.
It is for these reasons that we promote to the pregnant moms the importance of making sure that baby and mom are checked within the first days of delivery to help avoid present and future problems. Remember everything is a process and is there for a reason.
For more information on the amazing benefits of breastfeeding or for a support group please contact To help make sure you and your baby start off in the right direction please contact our office and well be glad to help.
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul Blumsack
What was interesting about our conversation is that many mothers are going back to the natural way of feeding a baby with breast milk but are using a bottle instead of the mother to baby bond. I applaud mothers for going natural versus giving their baby formula but they are missing some of the major benefits of this natural bonding process when they put breast milk in a bottle.
The breastfeeding process helps both mother and child develop. When a child initially latches on to the mother the bonding process begins but so does the natural transmission of moms immunity to the baby. There is also an emotional connection that is established. As the baby continues to latch on there is an internal pressure created that helps bring the natural skull bones back into proper position. The supporting structures of the head and neck are strengthened. The jaw muscles are developed and the list goes on....
For the mother who is breastfeeding this process helps restore the natural hormonal balance and brings mom physically and emotionally back to a pre pregnancy state.
The mother-baby bonding is so important and can't be replaced by the convenience of bottle feeding. Many moms dont realize that when they stock up on breast milk they are not taking into consideration several important factors. One important factor is that by reducing the frequency of feeding times you reduce the demand put on the body to produce more breast milk. Less demand equals less supply.
The other important factor is that mom is feeding the baby from one moment in time of her life versus various times in her life. Throughout the day a mother has daily changes in her environmental exposure and nutritional intake. One moment she is inside the next she is outside. If mom is not hungry and chooses not to eat the baby will want to feed more often for shorter periods of time and will be fussy. What mom eats for breakfast will be transferred to the breast milk after the breakfast has been digested. So if she always stocks up in the morning she will only be feeding the baby what she had for dinner the night before. Variety is the spice of life and also pertains to the babies development.
The last thing we talked about was that there are many mothers who have difficulty in breastfeeding their baby and they don't know why. Sometimes the baby favors a certain side and will not want to stay latched on for long, they may have also have digestion issues. For the breastfeeding mom it may be that they can't find a comfortable position to sit or lay in.
In the majority of cases these problems were created at the birth process. Whether the baby was delivered naturally or with the use forceps, vacuum extraction, cesarean or breech delivery tiny spinal misalignment's occur in the babies spine that create structural and functional problems. For the mothers the same problems could have occurred throughout there life and then show up when they attempt to breastfeed the baby.
It is for these reasons that we promote to the pregnant moms the importance of making sure that baby and mom are checked within the first days of delivery to help avoid present and future problems. Remember everything is a process and is there for a reason.
For more information on the amazing benefits of breastfeeding or for a support group please contact To help make sure you and your baby start off in the right direction please contact our office and well be glad to help.
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul Blumsack
back pain,
developmental issues,
digestion issues,
failure to latch,
lactation issues,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Monday, July 30, 2012
Backpack Safety?
Backpack safety is not about making sure your child's backpack fits properly to prevent neck or back pain.
The moment your child leaves your site their going to unstrap and sling that backpack every which way but lose.
I know because we have 5 children and they never listened to us about wearing it properly and they did just fine. They also benefited from regular chiropractic checkups to make sure they had a healthy spine and nervous system to adapt to the physical, chemical and emotional stress of everyday life.
We were more concerned about the torque and tension the heavy backpack placed on our child's brain-stem and spinal cord versus the muscles of their back and neck because we knew that an uncorrected problem over time could alter body function.
What's alarming is that parents may not realize that their child may already have an underlying spinal problem before the child started carrying a backpack.
We don't ask the parents in our office to bring in their child's backpack so we may fit it properly. We ask the parent to bring in their child to make sure their body is working properly and able to adapt to all the stresses they put upon it everyday.
It's not about the backpack its about their life. Please get your child checked.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
From near death and back: A Chiropractic patients story.
Shortly after returning from a competition tour I began having some sinus headaches and my training started to plateau a bit-I had kept a training journal since I started lifting in 1978 and tracked my progress very carefully. The headaches were not bad--just annoying and so I went to the Navy dispensary and was given some medications. The meds worked like magic, except they gave me severe diarrhea. I went back to the doctor and was given additional drugs to stop that. That went away, but then I experienced severe dehydration and was admitted to the hospital. After many tests, I walked out with 3 more prescriptions.
My health rapidly begin to spiral downward and soon I was spending my days at the hospital going from one doctor to the next. Within a month I was taking 18 drugs a day--which amounted to about 80 individual pills. I quickly become homebound and disabled--unable to work, drive a car or really do much of anything. The only food I could keep down was applesauce and sometimes apple cobbler---Most nights, I would get a blanket and a pillow and just sleep with the pillow on the toilet because the dry heaves would begin around 1am and would last until sun-up. On good nights, the heaves were 4 minutes apart, on bad nights they were two minutes apart. I went from a solid 220lbs to around 165-I looked like death warmed over.
I had a meeting with the head of the Naval Hospital in Charleston in the summer of 1987. I was brought into his office and he told me that I should get my affairs in order because he felt I only had a few months to live. The news was actually a relief--I wanted to die and end the misery. I had a friend drive me to a mall later that week to buy gifts for my family for the following Christmas, knowing I was probably not going to be alive. While in a B.Dalton Bookstore, a man asked me if I was ok ( I could only walk maybe 15-20 steps before I had to stop and rest) I said I was fine, because I had gotten tired of telling everyone the story. This guy persisted a bit and he told me he was a doctor and that maybe he could help me. I told him I had seen some of the best doctors in the world and then he told me he was a Chiropractor. I think I laughed for the first time in over a year. It told him ai had "INTERNAL" health problems, not neck and back pain, which was the limit of my views on Chiropractic. He kept persisting for me to come to his clinic and about this time, my friend came up and was listening and offered to drive me to the clinic the next day. I agreed with absolutely no intention of going to this quacks office. On the drive home, my friend said something like "well you should give it a shot--what do you have to lose? And so I agreed to go.
I went to the office the next day and did the whole new patient process--the doc brought me into the exam room and began doing his exam--I was about as skeptical as you could be when all of a sudden, he says 'hey keith, did you have a bedwetting problem as a kid"…… in the world did he know that? I did...classic bedwetting case for most of my childhood….4-5 nights a week. Never spent the night with a friend--EVER--kind of grew out of it by the time I was 15-16 but my parents spent all kinds of money on therapies and treatments…...How could this quack have known about that….He tells me he can tell from examining my lumbar spine and he started talking about the bladder and nerves…..ok, he had my attention--if he pulled that one out of his butt..well it was a good one. He ended up adjusting me the first day and sent me home with instructions to return.
I woke up the next morning with a stiff and sore neck, actually my entire back was sore--not severe pain, but just very sore. I knew this guy was a quack, I thought to myself--he hurts me yesterday and today he is going to fix me up---sorry, aint buying it---no more Chiropractic visits for me. I shaved, showered and got dressed and as I was walking down the hall to the kitchen---I was hit with a ton of bricks---I had just slept through the entire night-for the first time in about 15 months...I had just showered, etc. and was not wiped out with fatigue…..I was even a bit hungry. So went into the kitchen and made some scrambled eggs (which I love) and had been unable to eat for over a year. I sat down on the couch and waited for breakfast to come back up--it never did.
I continued getting adjusted and flushed the meds within the first week---it was not short term miraculous, but each day I get a bit stronger and could do more things--it was huge victory to be able to walk out to the mailbox and get the mail. Within two weeks I was driving again, within two months I was back in the gym training and ended up far surpassing my previous lifts. But I could not figure out what Chiropractic had done for me---I would ask the doc and got sort of a vague answer. I ended up going to Chiropractic orientations at other offices in the area in hopes of figuring this all out, but I was disappointed in that all of the NPO's I attended were "spinal hygiene classes" --how to lift right, bend your knees, drink water, etc.
I have had the chance to speak all over North America to thousands of people each year and been blessed by their letters of testimony once they receive Chiropractic care. I thank you for taking the time to read this and may it encourage you to get your spine checked and adjusted today to help save your life tomorrow.
Keith Wassung
Charleston, SC
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Due West Chiropractor,
due west rd,
high blood pressure,
Upper cervical,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Perfect Health.
I had the pleasure of sitting down with a business mentor yesterday on ways to help market our practice and improve how we communicate our message. He is considered a "senior citizen" in the worlds eye but he was spot on with what's going on today. My father is the same way.
As we were talking about improving our message he mentioned a cartoon caption that he read over the weekend that stated. "Perfect health is the slowest possible rate at which you can die". When you let that sink in it's a very profound statement. I responded with the statement that "some have a better quality of life than others while going through the process".
In the end we are all going to move on to a better place, but most of our senior citizens who still have decades to live have a poor quality of life. They are suffering from many nagging problems, illnesses and consume multiple medications just to help maintain "life".
I recall one patient I took care of years ago that took 20 plus prescription medications every single day and my one question to her was "if you're taking this many medications shouldn't your quality of life be better and not worse?" she didn't respond in fact she was a patient who came a couple of times but quit because she didn't receive her miracle after the 3rd visit. I tried to tell her it always happens on the 4th visit. Just kidding kind of. Sometimes it does but in all reality healing is a process that takes time.
My goal as a chiropractor is to help senior citizens understand that their nervous system controls every function in their body and that more life flowing through their nervous system is better than less life flowing through it. We also help them understand that the longer you maintain life flowing to the maximum it will in turn help them have a better "quality of life"...hopefully with less medication.
Also, your never old to go to a chiropractor, my grandfather started at the age of 84 and went until he passed at the age of 94. His quality of life improved dramatically I just wish he started sooner.
So please remember that "Perfect Health" is the slowest possible rate that you can die while maintaining the highest quality of life. Go see your chiropractor regularly.
Have a great day!
Dr. Paul
As we were talking about improving our message he mentioned a cartoon caption that he read over the weekend that stated. "Perfect health is the slowest possible rate at which you can die". When you let that sink in it's a very profound statement. I responded with the statement that "some have a better quality of life than others while going through the process".
In the end we are all going to move on to a better place, but most of our senior citizens who still have decades to live have a poor quality of life. They are suffering from many nagging problems, illnesses and consume multiple medications just to help maintain "life".
I recall one patient I took care of years ago that took 20 plus prescription medications every single day and my one question to her was "if you're taking this many medications shouldn't your quality of life be better and not worse?" she didn't respond in fact she was a patient who came a couple of times but quit because she didn't receive her miracle after the 3rd visit. I tried to tell her it always happens on the 4th visit. Just kidding kind of. Sometimes it does but in all reality healing is a process that takes time.
My goal as a chiropractor is to help senior citizens understand that their nervous system controls every function in their body and that more life flowing through their nervous system is better than less life flowing through it. We also help them understand that the longer you maintain life flowing to the maximum it will in turn help them have a better "quality of life"...hopefully with less medication.
Also, your never old to go to a chiropractor, my grandfather started at the age of 84 and went until he passed at the age of 94. His quality of life improved dramatically I just wish he started sooner.
So please remember that "Perfect Health" is the slowest possible rate that you can die while maintaining the highest quality of life. Go see your chiropractor regularly.
Have a great day!
Dr. Paul
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Greek Yogurt and Chiropractic
I read an article this morning on how sales of Greek Yogurt has exploded and that food companies in their quest to increase their profits have decided to jump on the band wagon and produce their own "Greek Yogurt" like product. The secret to the success of real Greek Yogurt is in its simplicity. They make it the way it was meant to be; by hand exactly as mother made it.
The food companies have decided to do it in a way that has the traditional makers of Greek Yogurt alarmed. High tech procedures are now being used to produce this product by taking regular yogurt and adding ingredients such as starch from corn or tapioca to produce the same consistency and taste. They have tweaked the quality and quantity to come close. The only problem is that it may look the same and possibly taste the same but it is not the same.
And that brings me to chiropractic. When chiropractic began in 1895 it started out with one deaf man receiving an adjustment to his spine and having his hearing restored. It was a simple process done by hand with life changing results. The secret to the success of chiropractic helping sick people get well and helping families live healthier medication free lives is its simplicity. When it is done by hand and applied in a way that removes interference to the communication system of the body, miracles happen. Many of these miracle patients wanted to help others as they had been helped and a chiropractic school was created.
As the profession and the school flourished it started to attract other health practitioners who wanted to practice chiropractic. They were readily accepted into chiropractic school in the hopes that they would give up their old procedures and only practice chiropractic. Upon graduation many of these health practitioners wanted to provide "more" for their patients began to integrate chiropractic with their old procedures. It was less effective and the results were not the same.
To this day the success of chiropractic has always been in its simplicity. So remember its not the label on the outside of the package/building that will determine the taste/results its the ingredients/procedures on the inside that will.
In our office we choose to keep it simple and it has been well worth seeing the lives change!
The choice is yours!
Have a great day!
Dr. Paul Blumsack
The food companies have decided to do it in a way that has the traditional makers of Greek Yogurt alarmed. High tech procedures are now being used to produce this product by taking regular yogurt and adding ingredients such as starch from corn or tapioca to produce the same consistency and taste. They have tweaked the quality and quantity to come close. The only problem is that it may look the same and possibly taste the same but it is not the same.
And that brings me to chiropractic. When chiropractic began in 1895 it started out with one deaf man receiving an adjustment to his spine and having his hearing restored. It was a simple process done by hand with life changing results. The secret to the success of chiropractic helping sick people get well and helping families live healthier medication free lives is its simplicity. When it is done by hand and applied in a way that removes interference to the communication system of the body, miracles happen. Many of these miracle patients wanted to help others as they had been helped and a chiropractic school was created.
As the profession and the school flourished it started to attract other health practitioners who wanted to practice chiropractic. They were readily accepted into chiropractic school in the hopes that they would give up their old procedures and only practice chiropractic. Upon graduation many of these health practitioners wanted to provide "more" for their patients began to integrate chiropractic with their old procedures. It was less effective and the results were not the same.
To this day the success of chiropractic has always been in its simplicity. So remember its not the label on the outside of the package/building that will determine the taste/results its the ingredients/procedures on the inside that will.
In our office we choose to keep it simple and it has been well worth seeing the lives change!
The choice is yours!
Have a great day!
Dr. Paul Blumsack
Friday, July 20, 2012
West Cobb Vet Buds Meeting Thursday July 26th.
Hello to all,
I would like to invite you to the next West Cobb Vet Buds Meeting this upcoming Thursday July 26th.
VetBuds is a non-profit group where the members share a common bond of military service and the desire to provide assistance to veterans directly within the scope of our personal resources and indirectly by our combined business, social and personal knowledge and connections. The website is The first chapter began in the Johns Creek area and we are a branch off of that successful meeting.
Some of the success stories of our West Cobb meeting have been employment opportunities, new business and referrals for some of our small business owners, increased DAV resource awareness and PTSD assistance.
We are meeting this Thursday July 26th from 0730-0830 at The Daily Grind Unwind located at 3960 Mary Eliza Trace Marietta, Ga. 30064 (770) 422-9480
Please bring your business cards, a need to be met, a service to be shared or a connection to be made.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me Dr. Paul Blumsack (USAF) 770-362-6430 or John Forrest (USMC Ret.) 404-313-1369
Have a great day!
Dr. Paul Blumsack
Live Better...Live Longer
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Cost of Waiting
I have been speaking lately to a financial adviser on plans for the future. He cares about what he is doing for his clients and it shows. He is out there everyday promoting his business and I admire him for how he is going about it. He goes door to door to help create awareness on the benefits of financial planning. I am sure he has had a few doors slammed in his face, people ignoring his knock at the door, and has probably seen the lights go out mysteriously as soon as he shows up for his appointment.
The reason I bring this up is he recently dropped off a flyer to our office where the headline said "Cost of Waiting". I am sure he was subliminally telling me to stop procrastinating on getting started with him. The flyer had charts and graphs, ages and earnings and it showed how the older you are before you start investing how much money you have lost because of your procrastination. It was quite eye opening as it made me realize that I am in it for the long haul!
This flyer also got me thinking about the people who are not proactively under chiropractic care and how they are going to need to start investing in their financial future. You see they are most likely going to need money to fund all the treatments for the illnesses that they are going to experience as they get older. I don't wish that upon them but that is the truth of the matter.
Our nation is stressed out, sick and dying and yet we spend more money on health care and consume more medications than any other nation in the world. Our system has failed and yet people are still afraid to do something different. Many people are dying from the treatments and not the disease they were diagnosed with.
Why not start investing in your families health today by having regular chiropractic checkups? Paula and I have raised a family of 7 to be healthy and medication free for over 24 years. We have done this by making sure that the communication system of the body is working to its fullest ability. Our office has been helping families live healthier medication free lives for 17 years.
There used to be this saying "you can pay me know or you'll pay me later" The choice is yours, one is more costly?
Go ahead and start investing in your family's future today by giving us a call at 770-362-6430. You'll be glad you did!
The reason I bring this up is he recently dropped off a flyer to our office where the headline said "Cost of Waiting". I am sure he was subliminally telling me to stop procrastinating on getting started with him. The flyer had charts and graphs, ages and earnings and it showed how the older you are before you start investing how much money you have lost because of your procrastination. It was quite eye opening as it made me realize that I am in it for the long haul!
This flyer also got me thinking about the people who are not proactively under chiropractic care and how they are going to need to start investing in their financial future. You see they are most likely going to need money to fund all the treatments for the illnesses that they are going to experience as they get older. I don't wish that upon them but that is the truth of the matter.
Our nation is stressed out, sick and dying and yet we spend more money on health care and consume more medications than any other nation in the world. Our system has failed and yet people are still afraid to do something different. Many people are dying from the treatments and not the disease they were diagnosed with.
Why not start investing in your families health today by having regular chiropractic checkups? Paula and I have raised a family of 7 to be healthy and medication free for over 24 years. We have done this by making sure that the communication system of the body is working to its fullest ability. Our office has been helping families live healthier medication free lives for 17 years.
There used to be this saying "you can pay me know or you'll pay me later" The choice is yours, one is more costly?
Go ahead and start investing in your family's future today by giving us a call at 770-362-6430. You'll be glad you did!
Sowing seeds of health in our community.
I just wanted to let you know about a community outreach event that we are doing at our office for the next two weeks where we are going to give away $85,000 dollars worth of services to our Cobb County and Metro Atlanta community. We are calling it "Sowing the Seeds of Health".
We decided to do this because our community is stressed out, sick and dying and yet we spend more money on health care and consume more medication than any other nation in the world. We are also noticing a growing trend in our office where both the parents and their children are coming in with chronic health challenges and are all under medication. This is not good! We would prefer they would come in for preventative care.
I feel guilty because I have not done enough to show families that there are other options out there. Paula and I have raised a family of seven to be healthy and medication free for over 24 years. Our health changed dramatically when we started going to a chiropractor for regular checkups. For 17 years we have helped families live healthier medication free lives, but we need to help more families.
Our goal is to reach at least 1000 family's, friends, neighbors, businesses and co-workers with our "Sowing Seeds of Health Certificate". Each certificate has a value of $85 and is good for a complimentary detailed examination, computerized posture and stress analysis and digital infrared imaging. Since Monday we have handed out 250 of these certificates. They expire on August 1st.
There is more to chiropractic than neck or back pain and by your sharing of this seeds of health certificate to family members, friends, neighbors, businesses and co-workers you may help another family in Cobb County or Metro Atlanta live a healthier life.
If you have any questions please call our office at 770-362-6430 . If you want to know more about Blumsack Family Chiropractic check out our website atwww. .
Thanks for helping us achieve our goal and helping our community!
Dr. Paul
The Power that made the body heals the body and the process of regeneration.
The Power that made the body heals the body. How it regenerates is determined by whether your getting the right messages from the brain to every cell, tissue and organ of the body. No messages=no life. Give Chiropractic enough time and repetition and watch an amazing new you be created. RegenerationSchedule.html
Friday, July 13, 2012
If only my parents knew that there were natural
options for children suffering with asthma and allergies. Perhaps my
brother’s childhood would have been different?
What a sad life to live to never be able to smell fresh air,
flowers, baby's hair, perfume/cologne or a warm ocean breeze. As a sibling of
someone who suffered from severe allergies and asthma I saw the physical,
emotional and financial toll it took upon my brother and my parents. There was
a certain point where my brother had to live in a hospital out of state so he
could learn to cope with his challenges, administer his own adrenaline shots
and live a more vibrant life. This was not fun for any of us.
As he grew older he was able to do more things and has
participated in sports such as Rugby and he even has run the New York and
Boston Marathons. We are all proud of his accomplishments however he is still
challenged with asthma and allergies and keeps an inhaler close by just in
The problem was that my parents didn't know of any other
options. They followed the medical model and to some limited extent he was
helped. Unfortunately there are too many other people out there who don’t know
of any other options who are living in their own plastic bubbles because they
are afraid to experience life because they have allergies and asthma. There is
another option...
Did you know that your body is designed to adapt to its
environment as long as there is no interference? Did you know that people with
asthma and allergies have responded well to chiropractic care? Did you know
that families under chiropractic care have stronger immune systems, take less
medications and are healthier than families who are not under care?
Please get a chiropractic checkup and make sure there is no
interference and help someone Live Better...Live Longer!
Monday, June 25, 2012
The Man in the White Coat
I spend my day living my life with my husband sharing our passion for health. We wake up every morning and thank God for a bright day that is ahead of us. Why can't that be the norm for all. Instead, I go to the store and see men, women, and families in line waiting to get the latest and greatest drug for the most common illness, or better yet, I hear stories of how individuals are tired of being sick all the time.
Health comes from within. Our bodies are the most intelligent system out there but we continue to close our eyes to this when we are in dis-ease. We do not have think to blink, breathe, move our extremities, or the like - it just happens. Why can't we just believe our bodies can do amazing things like heal. To this day, it surprises me to think that individuals will understand all of this as we are sharing our passion of health with them, but as soon as a little sniffle comes, they run to the "man in the white coat" and believe everything he says - even if it is not his specialty. I sometimes believe that if they were told to jump off a building because it was the latest cure, they would.
The body is one entity. Everything works as one - that is the nervous system. The first part of our being to be developed is the brain and the nervous system. This nervous system is so important that it is protected by bone (the spine). This spine develops with bends to give it buoyancy to adapted to our everyday living. There are millions of nerves that run through the spine that effect every part of our body (cells, organs, muscle - everything). When we feel dis-ease, normally there is some type of interference or pinch. The only, and I stress, ONLY doctor that can correct this is a chiropractor - not a message therapist, not a general practitioner, and not a orthopedist.
If you twist a garden hose while the water is on, it will either slow to a trickle or stop completely. What do you think your nerves do when you pinch them. Pinched nerves show up as asthma, headaches, ear infections, numbness, gallbladder issues, ulcers, constipation. A specific bone or two has to be properly adjusted to take the pressure off of the nerve and have that nerve flow working or moving at full speed. Taking drugs, injecting our bodies, or permanently fusing bones together will not work. You hear constantly that duplication is powerful. Well, folks, it is. If your body is producing healthy cells your body will duplicate healthy cells. On the same idea, if your body is producing unhealthy or bad cells, what do you think it is going to duplicate? Unhealthy or bad cells equal disease.
Patient: "Doctor, I have chronic headaches. What can I do to get rid of them permanently?"
Doctor: "Mrs. Bubble, I have the latest scientific cure for you. Go to the roof of this building, walk to the edge, and then jump off. When you land, for a small instance you may experience a small side effect,but your headaches will be permanently gone."
Health comes from within. Our bodies are the most intelligent system out there but we continue to close our eyes to this when we are in dis-ease. We do not have think to blink, breathe, move our extremities, or the like - it just happens. Why can't we just believe our bodies can do amazing things like heal. To this day, it surprises me to think that individuals will understand all of this as we are sharing our passion of health with them, but as soon as a little sniffle comes, they run to the "man in the white coat" and believe everything he says - even if it is not his specialty. I sometimes believe that if they were told to jump off a building because it was the latest cure, they would.
The body is one entity. Everything works as one - that is the nervous system. The first part of our being to be developed is the brain and the nervous system. This nervous system is so important that it is protected by bone (the spine). This spine develops with bends to give it buoyancy to adapted to our everyday living. There are millions of nerves that run through the spine that effect every part of our body (cells, organs, muscle - everything). When we feel dis-ease, normally there is some type of interference or pinch. The only, and I stress, ONLY doctor that can correct this is a chiropractor - not a message therapist, not a general practitioner, and not a orthopedist.
If you twist a garden hose while the water is on, it will either slow to a trickle or stop completely. What do you think your nerves do when you pinch them. Pinched nerves show up as asthma, headaches, ear infections, numbness, gallbladder issues, ulcers, constipation. A specific bone or two has to be properly adjusted to take the pressure off of the nerve and have that nerve flow working or moving at full speed. Taking drugs, injecting our bodies, or permanently fusing bones together will not work. You hear constantly that duplication is powerful. Well, folks, it is. If your body is producing healthy cells your body will duplicate healthy cells. On the same idea, if your body is producing unhealthy or bad cells, what do you think it is going to duplicate? Unhealthy or bad cells equal disease.
Patient: "Doctor, I have chronic headaches. What can I do to get rid of them permanently?"
Doctor: "Mrs. Bubble, I have the latest scientific cure for you. Go to the roof of this building, walk to the edge, and then jump off. When you land, for a small instance you may experience a small side effect,but your headaches will be permanently gone."
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
dallas hwy,
due west rd,
ear infections,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cleaning House.
Cleaning House
Just think about what happens when you decide to clean house at home? You throw out unwanted items/magazines, you dust areas, you replace dirty filters and you repair damaged items. You do this so that your house looks wonderful and keeps it value.
The same can be said for your body and what happens to it over time when too much stress and poor choices accumulate? Chiropractors recognize that by keeping your nervous system clear of vertebral subluxations it allows the innate intelligence inside your body to "clean house". The innate intelligence within your body throws out unhealthy cells, repairs damaged tissue and works to grow healthy cells so that you can be the best you possible.
So please remember that it took time for your house/body to get dirty and it will also take time for your house/body to be clean.
Regular chiropractic checkups are a valuable long term investment for you and your family.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Moms take babies to chiropractor
Monday, May 7, 2012
How Chiropractic Can Help With Your Pregnancy and Birth
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper cervical,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Better mental health through chemistry is always a losing proposition. Get your upper cervical spine checked for vertebral subluxations.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Have your children checked for vertebral subluxations so that they may grow up and be mentally healthy.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Success comes from within. Its about relationships, listening to the inner voice and handling stress.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Please check out our listing on the West Cobb Patch. Also, please give us your feedback and review us.
Kids vs. Teachers, Is There Really A Difference?
School is almost over and we should be thinking of vacations and enjoying the summer; however, that truly is not the case. Our students are nervous and stressed about the CRCT testing and our teachers are far ahead of them in that area.
As of Day 1 in school, CRCT testing is discussed and our work is cut out for us to prepare our children not only for the normal everyday curriculum but to prepare our children for this mandatory testing. As a mom, I begin to see the changes in my children as the year goes on. CRCT testing is beginning to be mentioned more frequently and I see the attitude of the children towards school change if they see their grades drop or are not quite sure if they understand this or that. What if they do not remember it when it comes to April? What if they didn't understand it and didn't ask for help? Finally, April is here, and tummies begin to churn from nervousness. We, as moms, are changing their normal habits without realizing it. We are getting them in bed a little earlier, getting them up earlier, eating different foods perhaps and at different times just to give them the edge on being prepared.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot - think of it from a teacher's standpoint. They, as well, are preparing from Day 1. What they teach our children goes hand and hand with the testing. They prepare our children all year. They do not just sit at the head of the class and hand out the test and give instructions. No, they are replaying in their mind, did I teach them everything I needed to? Did I prepare the kids enough? Perhaps I should have.... Think about it, the weight of the world is on their shoulders right now. If their class does not do well, does that mean they failed to teach something, did they not teach it right or not enough. We as parents, as well as the school board, then begin to judge that teacher. What went wrong? Throughout the whole year, in our eyes, he or she is the best teacher; however, one test score can change our minds in a heartbeat, and is that fair? No.
STRESS is serious whether you are a child or an adult. Why not step back for a few minutes before, during, and after the testing and just go about our normal routine and continue to work with both our students and teachers to make it through this trying time. Getting overworked will not change things. CRCT testing comes every year whether we are prepared or not. Make sure you are not depriving your body of the necessary energy to get through these trying times. Make sure that your Nervous System is working at 100% to handle this time of the year.
Mom of 5 Children
As of Day 1 in school, CRCT testing is discussed and our work is cut out for us to prepare our children not only for the normal everyday curriculum but to prepare our children for this mandatory testing. As a mom, I begin to see the changes in my children as the year goes on. CRCT testing is beginning to be mentioned more frequently and I see the attitude of the children towards school change if they see their grades drop or are not quite sure if they understand this or that. What if they do not remember it when it comes to April? What if they didn't understand it and didn't ask for help? Finally, April is here, and tummies begin to churn from nervousness. We, as moms, are changing their normal habits without realizing it. We are getting them in bed a little earlier, getting them up earlier, eating different foods perhaps and at different times just to give them the edge on being prepared.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot - think of it from a teacher's standpoint. They, as well, are preparing from Day 1. What they teach our children goes hand and hand with the testing. They prepare our children all year. They do not just sit at the head of the class and hand out the test and give instructions. No, they are replaying in their mind, did I teach them everything I needed to? Did I prepare the kids enough? Perhaps I should have.... Think about it, the weight of the world is on their shoulders right now. If their class does not do well, does that mean they failed to teach something, did they not teach it right or not enough. We as parents, as well as the school board, then begin to judge that teacher. What went wrong? Throughout the whole year, in our eyes, he or she is the best teacher; however, one test score can change our minds in a heartbeat, and is that fair? No.
STRESS is serious whether you are a child or an adult. Why not step back for a few minutes before, during, and after the testing and just go about our normal routine and continue to work with both our students and teachers to make it through this trying time. Getting overworked will not change things. CRCT testing comes every year whether we are prepared or not. Make sure you are not depriving your body of the necessary energy to get through these trying times. Make sure that your Nervous System is working at 100% to handle this time of the year.
Mom of 5 Children
Blumsack Family Chiropractic
3770 Due West Road, Suite 200
Marietta, GA 30064
(770) 362-6430
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
dallas hwy,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
nervous system,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor,
Monday, April 16, 2012
I've been under chiropractic care for over 23 years now, and yes, I still have symptoms like others. I wanted to share this in order for folks to understand STRESS can be damaging and we do not even realize it until it is too late.
Up until Friday evening, everything was going great. At the midnight hour is when emotionally I was at rock bottom which in turn caused me to be physically at rock bottom. My body just decided it could not handle the stress that was put on me emotionally and decided to shut down physically. I was experiencing aches, pains, dizziness, tiredness, headaches, chills and fever. I knew I could not let this get the best of me - I was not sick, just worn out. If you didn't know, stress comes in three forms: emotional, physical, and chemical. I decided, with the help of my Chiropractor, to increase my visits by getting my Nervous System checked daily to make sure my body was working at its strongest. Stress is hard to overcome but with my Nervous System working at its fullest potential I am now SUBLUXATION free.
I once read this statement, "Think about it, what happens when you plug ten appliances into one outlet and turn them all on at the same time? You blow a circuit! The same things can happen when you surge an unprotected Nervous System with STRESS"! This is so true. Today we put more on our plate than our bodies can handle.
Picture your Nervous System as an electrical outlet with multiple stresses plugged in. Turn them all on at the same time and POW - you overload the system, fry a circuit and ruin your good state of health. Chiropractors call this a SUBLUXATION. Depending on what nerves (circuits) are blown, you could experience all kinds of symptoms to significant challenges such as High Blood Pressure.
It's impossible to turn off all stress in your life, but we can make it less painful if we know how to handle it. If your brain is not communicating with your nervous system, stress can be very harmful. My chiropractor is like my surge protector - skillfully monitoring my Nervous System for overloads and ADJUSTING circuits back to normal when necessary. I know, it is a bit corny but it gets you thinking, doesn't it?
Paula (Mom of 5 Children)
Up until Friday evening, everything was going great. At the midnight hour is when emotionally I was at rock bottom which in turn caused me to be physically at rock bottom. My body just decided it could not handle the stress that was put on me emotionally and decided to shut down physically. I was experiencing aches, pains, dizziness, tiredness, headaches, chills and fever. I knew I could not let this get the best of me - I was not sick, just worn out. If you didn't know, stress comes in three forms: emotional, physical, and chemical. I decided, with the help of my Chiropractor, to increase my visits by getting my Nervous System checked daily to make sure my body was working at its strongest. Stress is hard to overcome but with my Nervous System working at its fullest potential I am now SUBLUXATION free.
I once read this statement, "Think about it, what happens when you plug ten appliances into one outlet and turn them all on at the same time? You blow a circuit! The same things can happen when you surge an unprotected Nervous System with STRESS"! This is so true. Today we put more on our plate than our bodies can handle.
Picture your Nervous System as an electrical outlet with multiple stresses plugged in. Turn them all on at the same time and POW - you overload the system, fry a circuit and ruin your good state of health. Chiropractors call this a SUBLUXATION. Depending on what nerves (circuits) are blown, you could experience all kinds of symptoms to significant challenges such as High Blood Pressure.
It's impossible to turn off all stress in your life, but we can make it less painful if we know how to handle it. If your brain is not communicating with your nervous system, stress can be very harmful. My chiropractor is like my surge protector - skillfully monitoring my Nervous System for overloads and ADJUSTING circuits back to normal when necessary. I know, it is a bit corny but it gets you thinking, doesn't it?
Paula (Mom of 5 Children)
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Dallas Hwy Chiropractor,
immune system,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
nervous system,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Unwind with chiropractic
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I Promise...
I promise myself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side so long as I am true to the best that I am.
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side so long as I am true to the best that I am.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Riddle
It makes the poor man king and when it steals away, the rich man becomes a pauper indeed. It is health, the most precious gift of life.
is most effective in regaining health because it is a system built on natural law
-the law which says that health comes from within.
Start getting well today.
is most effective in regaining health because it is a system built on natural law
-the law which says that health comes from within.
Start getting well today.
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Due West Chiropractor,
ear infections,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Monday, April 9, 2012
"Treating the Bark vs. Adjusting the Cause..."
Friday, April 6, 2012
Patient testimonial! No more hot flashes, digestive issues or low back pain, handles stress better and now speed walks 1-1/2-2 hrs per day.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Empowering Families For Extraordinary Living!
Monday, April 2, 2012
If Your Health Is Important To You, You'd Find A Way
A friend of mine just wrote on Facebook this quote "If it is important to you, you'd find a way." How much clearer can that statement be? It is the same with our health. We complain about our health daily (stress, headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, sinus, stomach problems, etc.) and we do nothing about it. If your health is important to you, you'd find a way. If not, you will find an excuse....
Don't pass the buck and find excuses. Find a way to get healthy and stay healthy. Chiropractic can handle all your challenges and more.
Don't pass the buck and find excuses. Find a way to get healthy and stay healthy. Chiropractic can handle all your challenges and more.
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Dallas Hwy Chiropractor,
high blood pressure,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
stomach problems,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Chiropractic, How Do We Live Without It?
It is just a simple question to think about. Chiropractic, How Do We Live Without It?
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Dallas Hwy Chiropractor,
Due West Chiropractor,
immune system,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Life Changing,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Blumsack Family Chiropractic OPEN Full Time
Mon, Wed, Thu
10-1 & 4-7
Mon, Wed, Thu
10-1 & 4-7
Sunday, April 1, 2012
What Are You, Crazy? Chiropractic and Pollen, Allergies, and Sinus Problems
Just think about it. Not every person is born with allergies, asthma, sinus problems, and who knows how many more challenges. Why is that? You know, I can't give you a scientific reason why but I sure can give you a mom's point of view that has seen more health success in my family because of only one change - CHIROPRACTIC.
We are all conceived the same way. We all develop the same way. Unfortunately, what mom does while we are growing plays a huge part in our future. I am not saying moms do anything wrong. Moms are exposed to so many challenges every day. We have stress! Face it, stress harms or kills. Stress can be in the form of chemical, physical, and emotional. Now try to show me one person that does not fall in that category. I don't believe there is one. But I will stand corrected if you can show me one. I have found that it is hard to avoid stress; however, we can help our bodies handle stress easier. That is CHIROPRACTIC. I have been under care for over 23 years now and my body knows when it needs to be "checked." Checked is simply having my spine examined by my chiropractor to see if my body is trying to fight whatever challenge I am facing that day. By doing this, I am making sure my immune system is working at 100% to fight off the bad germs.
When my daughter was ill constantly up until the age of 2-1/2 years of age with ear infections, I was at whits-end. Just like moms today, we try to find whatever we can to ease our child's discomforts. No parent wants to see their child feeling uncomfortable. In today's world, we are all beginning to seek out that "natural" way of living. If we are seeking natural, why are we still medicating? Medicating is not natural. We see more commercials and hear more talks about the wonders of these new over-the-counter all natural "pills." Seriously, are we that dumb? I don't know, perhaps we are because the last time I checked, pharmaceutical companies are still growing strong in a "bad economy." Are you really prepared to care for your child for the rest of his/her life if they experience a side effect from these natural medications that we do not truly educate ourselves on. I had to question myself on that, plus I had family and friends constantly criticizing mine and my husband's choice of health care. We heard over and over again, "how can you do this?," "what are you thinking?," "how can you seriously not take your child to a doctor?" Well, we educated ourselves. We decided we were going to take control of our health not our family, not friends, not the government - just us. We took full responsibility for how our children were going to live their lives - healthy. CHIROPRACTIC has NO side effect.
What has got me on such an uproar? I am sitting here watching a tv show about doctors and health care. They are promoting healthier living but it all goes back to the newest and latest procedures available and medicine - trying to heal from the outside in. CHIROPRACTIC is healing from the inside in. Come on, we are grown people, why can't we think for ourselves? We did wonderful for years before the insurance companies and drug companies controlled our futures. We are sicker today--not because we do not have health insurance--but because we do not know how to take care of ourselves.
Now my family is not perfect. We are still struggling with the choice we make every day especially when it comes to food choices. However, my children do not get sick like others - if they miss school, normally it is our choice not because they are ill. They still get colds like others but they may be uncomfortable for 1 or 2 days max but can function fully during this time. My children, other than my oldest, has not had a medication in their bodies at all. After 2-1/2 years of my oldest being sick, we took control and our kids are healthy.
Paula (Mom of 5)
We are all conceived the same way. We all develop the same way. Unfortunately, what mom does while we are growing plays a huge part in our future. I am not saying moms do anything wrong. Moms are exposed to so many challenges every day. We have stress! Face it, stress harms or kills. Stress can be in the form of chemical, physical, and emotional. Now try to show me one person that does not fall in that category. I don't believe there is one. But I will stand corrected if you can show me one. I have found that it is hard to avoid stress; however, we can help our bodies handle stress easier. That is CHIROPRACTIC. I have been under care for over 23 years now and my body knows when it needs to be "checked." Checked is simply having my spine examined by my chiropractor to see if my body is trying to fight whatever challenge I am facing that day. By doing this, I am making sure my immune system is working at 100% to fight off the bad germs.
When my daughter was ill constantly up until the age of 2-1/2 years of age with ear infections, I was at whits-end. Just like moms today, we try to find whatever we can to ease our child's discomforts. No parent wants to see their child feeling uncomfortable. In today's world, we are all beginning to seek out that "natural" way of living. If we are seeking natural, why are we still medicating? Medicating is not natural. We see more commercials and hear more talks about the wonders of these new over-the-counter all natural "pills." Seriously, are we that dumb? I don't know, perhaps we are because the last time I checked, pharmaceutical companies are still growing strong in a "bad economy." Are you really prepared to care for your child for the rest of his/her life if they experience a side effect from these natural medications that we do not truly educate ourselves on. I had to question myself on that, plus I had family and friends constantly criticizing mine and my husband's choice of health care. We heard over and over again, "how can you do this?," "what are you thinking?," "how can you seriously not take your child to a doctor?" Well, we educated ourselves. We decided we were going to take control of our health not our family, not friends, not the government - just us. We took full responsibility for how our children were going to live their lives - healthy. CHIROPRACTIC has NO side effect.
What has got me on such an uproar? I am sitting here watching a tv show about doctors and health care. They are promoting healthier living but it all goes back to the newest and latest procedures available and medicine - trying to heal from the outside in. CHIROPRACTIC is healing from the inside in. Come on, we are grown people, why can't we think for ourselves? We did wonderful for years before the insurance companies and drug companies controlled our futures. We are sicker today--not because we do not have health insurance--but because we do not know how to take care of ourselves.
Now my family is not perfect. We are still struggling with the choice we make every day especially when it comes to food choices. However, my children do not get sick like others - if they miss school, normally it is our choice not because they are ill. They still get colds like others but they may be uncomfortable for 1 or 2 days max but can function fully during this time. My children, other than my oldest, has not had a medication in their bodies at all. After 2-1/2 years of my oldest being sick, we took control and our kids are healthy.
Paula (Mom of 5)
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
constantly sick,
due west rd,
ear infections,
immune system,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
Monday, March 26, 2012
Fever and Fried Chicken
A former co-worker of mine was expressing her concern of how her daughter "must have caught what was going around." She was telling me how she was stuffed up, coughing, and now had a high fever and was unsure what to do.
It was not that I did not care but I simply said "so let it go - her body is doing what it is suppose to do." She was very concerned with the fever, she didn't want it to get to high. Why do we today believe that fevers are bad? Fever is the body's natural way to burn off infections. Not every person on this earth all have the same body temperature. Temperatures can range from 98.6 to 100 and those are normal.
Parents today get so nervous when their child gets a fever that the first thing they do is rush to the doctor or the local pharmacy and get over-the-counter medication or antibiotics. Medicines such as these will falsely reduce the temperature for a period of time which will make the child feel better only to have it come back higher.
Our son had a 106 degree temperature for close to a week that spiked at night and lowered during the day and was I scared. I simply held my faith and kept having him adjusted by our chiropractor. He finally broke out with spots and it turned out to be Roseola. We knew from educating ourselves (instead of listening to every scare tactic) that he would be fine. We knew that his nervous system must be working at 100% in order for him to heal, and he did. He did not suffer from any side effects, have brain damage, or any other ailment they claim is possible.
So think of this, why is it stressed over and over again that we cannot eat under cooked chicken. Chicken must be fully cooked in order to burn off the bacteria and germs. That is exactly what our body does - it is cooking off the bacteria and the germs. As soon as the bacteria and germs have been killed, the body naturally will turn down the heat and will break into a sweat to cool itself down.
It is not fun and it is difficult to see our children sick but the body is amazing. The body truly knows what to do on its own. We have faith in everything today, why not have faith in our body.
Paula (Mother of 5)
It was not that I did not care but I simply said "so let it go - her body is doing what it is suppose to do." She was very concerned with the fever, she didn't want it to get to high. Why do we today believe that fevers are bad? Fever is the body's natural way to burn off infections. Not every person on this earth all have the same body temperature. Temperatures can range from 98.6 to 100 and those are normal.
Parents today get so nervous when their child gets a fever that the first thing they do is rush to the doctor or the local pharmacy and get over-the-counter medication or antibiotics. Medicines such as these will falsely reduce the temperature for a period of time which will make the child feel better only to have it come back higher.
Our son had a 106 degree temperature for close to a week that spiked at night and lowered during the day and was I scared. I simply held my faith and kept having him adjusted by our chiropractor. He finally broke out with spots and it turned out to be Roseola. We knew from educating ourselves (instead of listening to every scare tactic) that he would be fine. We knew that his nervous system must be working at 100% in order for him to heal, and he did. He did not suffer from any side effects, have brain damage, or any other ailment they claim is possible.
So think of this, why is it stressed over and over again that we cannot eat under cooked chicken. Chicken must be fully cooked in order to burn off the bacteria and germs. That is exactly what our body does - it is cooking off the bacteria and the germs. As soon as the bacteria and germs have been killed, the body naturally will turn down the heat and will break into a sweat to cool itself down.
It is not fun and it is difficult to see our children sick but the body is amazing. The body truly knows what to do on its own. We have faith in everything today, why not have faith in our body.
Paula (Mother of 5)
3770 Due West Rd,
back pain,
Bacteria and Germs,
Blumsack Family Chiropractic,
Dallas Hwy Chiropractor,
kennesaw acworth hiram,
Marietta Chiropractor,
Upper Cervical Chiropractic,
West Cobb Chiropractor
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