Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Does Your Child Have Pre-symptomatic Subluxations?

I recently found this on the website of a colleague and thought I would share this with you on why we check children. Please share this information with someone you care about and help change a life.

Does Your Child Have Pre-symptomatic Subluxations?

Why check children?
Nervous system disturbances can lead to all sorts of health problems. Since we would rather catch problems before obvious symptoms appear, we encourage parents to have their child screened for subluxations. Our screening process is safe, gentle noninvasive and takes just minutes. Should we find any problems we'll make recommendations for care. If not, we'll tell you that too. Either way, you'll have peace of mind knowing your child is healthy. Detecting pre-symptomatic health problems makes sense. It gives your child the best chance to grow up healthy and strong, free from vertebral subluxations.
What do you do to check my child?
The most important information obtained during the screening is the health history of the child. We even have special health exam forms for children. Most of the time, the parents will tell us what we need to know about their child's health and behavior. Then we do a postural assessment and some range of movement tests.
What are some signs my child has subluxations?
• Difficult labor
It all starts at child birth. If you had a natural child birth there can be anywhere from 40 to 90 pounds of pressure on your child's head as he/she comes out of the birth canal. The next thing that happens is the doctor grabs the head, turns it and pulls on the child's head to get him/her out. This part alone can cause a subluxations and lead to future problems. Forceps, vacuum extraction and C-section are even more traumatic.
• Colic
If your child has colic or is very fussy, he/she may have subluxations.
• Breastfeeding difficulties
Your baby may show difficulty in breastfeeding or favoring one side which may indicate the presence of subluxations.
• Unexplained crying
Your baby can't tell you what's wrong and that can be frustrating for parents. Sometimes they are hungry, sometimes they need to be changed, and sometimes they just want to be held. But other times they may have a headache or stomach ache. They may be uncomfortable and the only way to tell you is to cry.
• Ear infections
This is a common problem that can be resolved quite effectively through chiropractic. Why put your child on antibiotics when it has been shown to be ineffective in treating ear infections.
• Growing pains
As your child grows he/she may experience what some people call growing pains. No firm evidence shows that the growth of bones causes pain. The most likely causes are the aches and discomforts resulting from the jumping, climbing, and running that active children do during the day. The pains can occur after a child has had a particularly athletic day.
• Unusual shoe wear
This can suggest there is an imbalance in your child's spine and pelvis.
• Poor concentration
Lack of focus at home or in school can be the result of nerve interference.
• Postural distortions
If you notice your child walking different or has poor posture he/she may have spinal misalignments. Scoliosis is another possibility for postural distortions and a condition that can be cared for by chiropractors.
• Allergic reactions
Nerve interference can lead to reactions within our digestive system causing reactions by the body.
• Contact sports and activities
Children lead an active lifestyle which is good for their health. But it can also lead to aches and pains which left uncorrected can lead to problems down the road.
Can you help my child?
We would love the chance to help your child grow and develop into a strong and healthy adult.

At Blumsack Family Chiropractic we take pride in helping all types of patients; young and old, men and women, sick and healthy. We view health not as a one-time fix but as a lifelong commitment. We also understand that a properly functioning nervous system free from subluxations allows for each person to live their life to its fullest potential.

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