Monday, March 26, 2012

Fever and Fried Chicken

A former co-worker of mine was expressing her concern of how her daughter "must have caught what was going around." She was telling me how she was stuffed up, coughing, and now had a high fever and was unsure what to do.

It was not that I did not care but I simply said "so let it go - her body is doing what it is suppose to do." She was very concerned with the fever, she didn't want it to get to high. Why do we today believe that fevers are bad? Fever is the body's natural way to burn off infections. Not every person on this earth all have the same body temperature. Temperatures can range from 98.6 to 100 and those are normal.

Parents today get so nervous when their child gets a fever that the first thing they do is rush to the doctor or the local pharmacy and get over-the-counter medication or antibiotics. Medicines such as these will falsely reduce the temperature for a period of time which will make the child feel better only to have it come back higher.

Our son had a 106 degree temperature for close to a week that spiked at night and lowered during the day and was I scared. I simply held my faith and kept having him adjusted by our chiropractor.  He finally broke out with spots and it turned out to be Roseola. We knew from educating ourselves (instead of listening to every scare tactic) that he would be fine. We knew that his nervous system must be working at 100% in order for him to heal, and he did. He did not suffer from any side effects, have  brain damage, or any other ailment they claim is possible.

So think of this, why is it stressed over and over again that we cannot eat under cooked chicken. Chicken must be fully cooked in order to burn off the bacteria and germs. That is exactly what our body does - it is cooking off the bacteria and the germs. As soon as the bacteria and germs have been killed, the body naturally will turn down the heat and will break into a sweat to cool itself down.

It is not fun and it is difficult to see our children sick but the body is amazing. The body truly knows what to do on its own. We have faith in everything today, why not have faith in our body.

Paula (Mother of 5)

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