Monday, June 25, 2012

The Man in the White Coat

I spend my day living my life with my husband sharing our passion for health. We wake up every morning and thank God for a bright day that is ahead of us. Why can't that be the norm for all. Instead, I go to the store and see men, women, and families in line waiting to get the latest and greatest drug for the most common illness, or better yet, I hear stories of how individuals are tired of being sick all the time.

Health comes from within. Our bodies are the most intelligent system out there but we continue to close our eyes to this when we are in dis-ease. We do not have think to blink, breathe, move our extremities, or the like - it just happens. Why can't we just believe our bodies can do amazing  things like heal. To this day, it surprises me to think that individuals will understand all of this as we are sharing our passion of health with them, but as soon as a little sniffle comes, they run to the "man in the white coat" and believe everything he says - even if it is not his specialty. I sometimes believe that if they were told to jump off a building because it was the latest cure, they would.

The body is one entity. Everything works as one - that is the nervous system. The first part of our being to be developed is the brain and the nervous system. This nervous system is so important that it is protected by bone (the spine). This spine develops with bends to give it buoyancy to adapted to our everyday living. There are millions of nerves that run through the spine that effect every part of our body (cells, organs, muscle - everything). When we feel dis-ease, normally there is some type of interference or pinch. The only, and I stress, ONLY doctor that can correct this is a chiropractor - not a message therapist, not a general practitioner, and not a orthopedist.

If you twist a garden hose while the water is on, it will either slow to a trickle or stop completely. What do you think your nerves do when you pinch them.  Pinched nerves show up as asthma, headaches, ear infections, numbness, gallbladder issues, ulcers, constipation. A specific bone or two has to be properly adjusted to take the pressure off of the nerve and have that nerve flow working or moving at full speed. Taking drugs, injecting our bodies, or permanently fusing bones together will not work. You hear constantly that duplication is powerful. Well, folks, it is. If your body is producing healthy cells your body will duplicate healthy cells. On the same idea, if your body is producing unhealthy or bad cells, what do you think it is going to duplicate? Unhealthy or bad cells equal disease.

Patient: "Doctor, I have chronic headaches. What can I do to get rid of them permanently?"
Doctor: "Mrs. Bubble, I have the latest scientific cure for you. Go to the roof of this building, walk to the edge, and then jump off. When you land, for a small instance you may experience a small side effect,but your headaches will be permanently gone."

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