Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Your stuck in fight or flight and that's why your sick.

In Chiropractic we know and recognize that within each and every living being there is an innate intelligence flowing through our nerve system that controls and coordinates five functions:

These five functions are:
Protection-Think fight or flight. Life or death. Being chased by a bear, lifting a fallen tree off your loved one.

Adaptation-Think changes to your environment. Air, water or food. Hot, cold, dry, wet, humid or even pollen. Changes in seasons.

Reproduction-Think conceiving a child.

Creation-Think the creation of new cells, tissues and organs to replacing dying cells.

Restoration-Think the healing process. Your immune system.

The reason why your sick is that like most people you live a chaotic life. Your probably overwhelmed by trauma, toxins and negative thoughts to the point that your innate intelligence is stuck in protection. How do I know this? Well if your like the majority of people in our community you probably suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, digestive disorders, asthma, heart disease, infertility or anxiety.

When you are in fight or flight mode, you actually need high blood pressure, high sugar, high cholesterol, limited digestion and an increased heart rate to protect yourself for just a few seconds or minutes until your safe again. This should not last for days, weeks, months or years.Creation and reproduction take a back seat when the body is in protection mode.

Chiropractic care is a great way to allow your body to function properly by helping your nerve system work properly and not get stuck in fight or flight.

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