Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blumsack Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care Can Help With Ear Infections http://ping.fm/8rpXJ

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blumsack Family Chiropractic :: Article - Healthy Pregnancy Following Chiropractic Care in Ovarian Cancer Patient http://ping.fm/KmIGV

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Greater expression.

The purpose of chiropractic is the detection, location and correction of vertebral subluxations thus allowing a greater expression of life through matter.
Does chiropractic help xyz condition? If you have a vertebral subluxation interfering with the greater expression of life through matter and we correct it shouldn't your body, function, perform and heal better than without it? 
Here is an analogy: 
Would you rather travel from Georgia to Boston in a tuned car or not? You may still get there but the performance will be enhanced in the tuned vehicle.  
Would you rather Think in a tuned body or not? 
Would you rather Work in a tuned body or not?
Would you rather Play in a tuned body or not?
Would you rather Act in a tuned body or not?
Would you rather Perform in a tuned body or not? 
Would you rather Love in a tuned body or not? 
Would you rather Live in a tuned body or not? 
Vertebral subluxations have no symptom other than a decreased lack of life to the body...Don't wait until you have some type of ache or pain to get checked.
A properly flowing nervous system is just as vital to your health as water, food and air are. You need them all and the better quality you have the better off you will be for it.  
Get checked on a regular basis and keep your nervous system clear.
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul Blumsack 

Chop or whack at it?

Why do we focus on one area of your spine?
Let's use an analogy to explain this. If you were to chop a tree down would you just whack at it from the top to the bottom; or would you focus on just one area and keep chopping? Both processes will take time repetition and effort but one will be more effective and have a better result.
By clearing the upper cervical area of your spine where the brainstem is housed you are allowing the maximum expression of life through matter and for you to live your life to it's fullest potential. 
Live Better...Live Longer!
Dr. Paul Blumsack